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Recent Security Posts

Local Organization Administrator (LOA), Security

Florida SHOTS: User Confirmation

Florida SHOTS will introduce the User Confirmation process to improve system security through the review of user access. During the organization’s 90-day User Confirmation period, the Local Organization Administrator (LOA) will confirm that users affiliated with the organization should be granted continued access.   Users who are not confirmed at the end of the organization’s 90-day period will no longer have access to Florida SHOTS. Information on how to complete the user confirmation can be found HERE.

Local Organization Administrator (LOA), Security

Upcoming Local Organization Administrator Update

In our continued efforts to keep Florida SHOTS safe and secure, Florida SHOTS released an update prompting users to review their profile. Users must provide an email address and select the site(s) of the location(s) where they work. Soon, the next phase of this release will be deployed for the Local Organization Administrators (LOA) to confirm those users for their site.  When a LOA logs in to Florida SHOTS, they will be provided with a list of system users under their organization who can access Florida SHOTS. To make sure these system users have continued access to Florida SHOTS, the LOA will need to confirm that that the users are still affiliated with the organization and should be granted continued access.  This confirmation process is expected to be completed annually during the organization’s enrollment date anniversary.

Security, Tech Tips

Florida SHOTS User Profile Review

When a user logs in to Florida SHOTS, they will be directed to their User Profile page, where they must provide a valid email address for future communications and indicate one or more Service Sites where they work. Users will be given some grace period to complete the information on the profile page. If the information is not completed after the grace period, the user’s access to Florida SHOTS functionality will be restricted until the missing profile information is provided. See our new short video for step-by-step instructions!

Local Organization Administrator (LOA), Health Care Providers


Remember that all users must have their own individual login information, and this is not to be shared with anyone. Florida SHOTS contains confidential patient information, and we thank all our users for your commitment to protecting the confidentiality and security of the system! Users can contact their Local Organization Administrator, or the Florida SHOTS help desk at 877-888-7468, option 2 for account assistance.

Health Care Providers, Local Organization Administrator (LOA)


As of October 8, 2022, new Florida SHOTS passwords must have the following parameters: Must be 10 to 30 characters long Must contain at least 1 lower-case, 1 upper-case, 1 number and 1 special character Cannot contain common password words such as “password”, “admin”, “12345”, etc Cannot contain more than 4 of the same repeating characters Cannot contain your system user ID Cannot be any of the previous 3 password used or any password used in the last 90 days Users will need to use new requirements when the system prompts them to update their password.