Florida SHOTS BlogRecent COVID-19 Posts
New Refrigerated Pfizer 12y+ COVID-19 Vaccine
The Comirnaty 12+ vaccine with NDC 00069-2362-10 for the single dose vials has been replaced with the NDC 00069-2377-10 which a carton of 10 manufacturer-filled syringes. See below for the new storage and handling instructions: This new presentation MUST BE STORED BETWEEN 2°C and 8°C (36°F and 46°F). Do NOT store at ultra-cold or standard freezer temperatures. These manufacturer-filled syringes can be used through the expiration date printed on the carton. The 10-week beyond-use date (BUD) for refrigerator storage does not apply. This guidance applies to this presentation ONLY. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines for children aged 6m-4y and 5-11y, which are shipped to providers in CDCs programs directly from Pfizer on dry ice and can be stored at either at ultracold temperatures until expiry or up to 10 weeks at 2-8°C.
Bivalent mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Are No Longer Authorized
The bivalent Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the United States. To minimize the risk of vaccine administration errors, providers should: Remove all bivalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccines from storage units immediately, even if they are not expired. Once all inventory is fully accounted for, adjust bivalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccines from the available vaccine inventory in Florida SHOTS as wastage. Follow the instructions on how to complete adjustments. The instructions are also available in Spanish. Dispose of all bivalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine vials in accordance with current regulations.
COVID-19 Vaccines for 2023-2024
Ordering is now open for the 2023-2024 formula of the COVID-19 vaccine. Enrolled Vaccines for Children (VFC) and Vaccines for Adults (VFA) providers can find the available vaccines on their regular VFC and VFA order request page in Florida SHOTS. COVID-19 vaccines are no longer ordered separately from other vaccines funded by VFC or VFA.
2023 VFC/COVID-19 Annual Re-enrollment Training
The Immunization Section's VFC/VFA/COVID-19 Annual Provider Staff Training consists of the "You Call the Shots” interactive, web-based training course. The enrollee, primary and back-up coordinators must review the required module(s) as well as complete an evaluation and posttest. Training should be completed prior to annual re-enrollment or before your next scheduled compliance site visit, whichever comes first. Click on a link below to learn more about how to complete your training: Vaccines for Children Program COVID-19 Vaccine Program
Florida SHOTS LIVE Webinar: Annual Re-Enrollment for VFC/COVID-19 Program
Providers enrolled with the Vaccines for Children (VFC) and/or COVID-19 Vaccine Program will need to complete the annual re-enrollment within Florida SHOTS. The enrolled provider, primary and secondary contacts will receive a notification under the Florida SHOTS Task List within 60 days of re-enrollment due date. During this webinar we will demonstrate how to review the account information and complete the re-enrollment. Click on the below date (in EST) to register. Thursday, April 20, 12:00pm
Florida SHOTS Live Webinar: Annual Re-enrollment for COVID-19 Program
Providers enrolled with the COVID-19 Vaccine Program must complete the annual re-enrollment within Florida SHOTS. During this short webinar, we will go over how to review the account information and complete the re-enrollment. Click below to register! Wednesday, November 10, 12:30pm* Spanish Tuesday, November 16, 12:00pm