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Boletín de febrero 2025
Capacitación Anual VFC 2025 ¡Ahora Disponible! La capacitación anual del personal de proveedores del programa VFC de la Sección de Inmunización requerirá tomar dos de los cursos de capacitación de la serie titulada “You Call the Shots” de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC). La persona inscrita en el programa VFC, el coordinador principal de VFC y el coordinador suplente todos necesitan completar ambas capacitaciones individualmente. Se necesita crear una cuenta de CDC TRAIN para completar la evaluación del curso para recibir un certificado. Para acceder la capacitación, vaya a la página web “You Call the Shots” de los CDC haciendo clic en el enlace o escribiendo en el buscador de su navegador web preferido. NOTA: El servicio de ayuda de CDC TRAIN está disponible para asistirle ante cualquier problema para acceder a su cuenta y para preguntas relacionada al requisito de la capacitación por favor llame al servicio de ayuda de VFC al 1-877-888-7468, opción 3. Aprende más Acceda a instrucciones paso a paso para la capacitación de Inscripción de VFC 2025 en nuestra guía actualizada aquí en Español e Inglés. Vea todos los Recursos The Florida SHOTS information system is located on a secure server with password-restricted access. We use the latest encryption and firewall safeguards. All accounts are given access to the system only after we have verified that they have appropriate licensing in the state of Florida. Protected & Secure ¿Sabía usted? Cada usuario con acceso a Florida SHOTS debe tener su propia Identificación de Usuario y Contraseña. Compartir cuentas entre el personal es una violación del acuerdo de inscripción y está a sujeto a sanciones que incluyen la eliminación de cuenta y desactivación del Administrador Local de la Organización. Por favor comuníquese con su Administrador Local de la Organización o el servicio de ayuda de Florida SHOTS al 1-877-888-7468. Consejos de Tecnología "Tenemos gemelos que cada uno tenía registros de vacunación en el sistema, pero ahora solo aparece uno de los niños. ¿Qué paso y como se puede prevenir en el futuro?" Ocasionalmente cuando gemelos, trillizos, etc. tienen nombres similares además de tener la misma fecha de nacimiento, dirección e información de los padres, el sistema interpreta como una sola persona y une los registros. Para prevenir esto, siempre que hay un nacimiento múltiple, se debe de registrar el Resultado del Evento del Nacimiento (“Birth Event Order”) y Orden de Nacimiento (“Birth Order”). Esto ayudara a evitar que los registros de los hermanos se unan debido a similitudes en la demografía.
Florida SHOTS Newsletter: February 2025
VFC 2025 Annual Enrollment Training Now Available! The Immunization Section’s VFC Annual Provider Staff Training will consist of two of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) “You Call the Shots” training courses. The VFC enrollee, primary VFC coordinator, and back-up coordinator must each complete both trainings individually. A CDC TRAIN account must be created to complete the course assessment and evaluation to receive a certificate. To access the training, go to CDC’s “You Call the Shots” web page by clicking on the link, or typing in the search engine of your desired Web browser. NOTE: The CDC TRAIN Help Desk is available for support for any login issues, and for questions related to this training requirement, please call the VFC Help Desk at 1-877-888-7468, Option 3. Learn More See step-by-step instructions for the VFC Enrollment training for 2025 in our updated guide here in English and Spanish. See all Resources The Florida SHOTS information system is located on a secure server with password-restricted access. We use the latest encryption and firewall safeguards. All accounts are given access to the system only after we have verified that they have appropriate licensing in the state of Florida. Protected & Secure Did You Know? Every user with access to Florida SHOTS must have their own User ID and password. Sharing accounts among staff is a violation of the Enrollment Agreement and subject to penalties including removal of the account and deactivation of Local Organization Administrators. If you need assistance with adding users, please contact your Local Organization Administrator, or the Florida SHOTS Helpdesk at 877-888-7468, option 2. Tech Tips "We had twins who each had vaccination records in the system, but now there is only one child. What might have happened and how can we prevent this in the future?" Occasionally when twins, triplets, etc. have similar names (in addition to having the same birthdate, address, and parent information), the system interprets them as the same person and will automatically merge the records. To prevent this, whenever there is a multiple birth, the “Birth Event Outcome” and “Birth Order” should be recorded. This will help prevent the siblings’ records merging due to similarity in demographics.
Florida SHOTS Newsletter: November 2024
Vaccines for Children (VFC) Inventory Updates Report Spoiled/Wasted Vaccines In the aftermath of the recent hurricanes, providers may have experienced power outages or other challenges with maintaining your VFC vaccine inventory. All spoiled, wasted, and expired vaccines must be manually removed from your inventory and reported within Florida SHOTS. The vaccines will likely need to be returned using pre-paid labels that will be requested from the system as well. There are a few steps in the process, and it's important to make sure your office completes them all properly. Don't worry, we have several training materials to make this process as easy as possible. Learn More! Check out our short video or training guide for step-by-step instructions to help you with this process. The Florida SHOTS information system is located on a secure server with password-restricted access. We use the latest encryption and firewall safeguards. All accounts are given access to the system only after we have verified that they have appropriate licensing in the state of Florida. Protected & Secure Did You Know? Under the "Customer Service" menu option within the system, you can find out who your Local Organization Administrator (LOA) is! Once you select “Contacts” you will see the name and contact information of the LOA who can assist with any login issues. They can reset your password, activate, and unlock your account. The Florida SHOTS help desk is also available for login assistance and can be reached at 877-888-7468, option 2. Tech Tips "Does the "User Confirmation Process" apply to all organizations?" Yes. All organizations will be assigned a 90-day period where its Local Organization Administrator (LOA) must confirm current users in their assigned service sites who need access to Florida SHOTS. At the end of this period, any users not confirmed will no longer have access. Learn more in our short video or this quick guide.
August 2024 Newsletter
Florida SHOTS User Confirmation Keeping the System Safe and Secure Here at Florida SHOTS, we are always keeping up with the latest cybersecurity standards. Starting in June, every enrolled organization is required to confirm users in Florida SHOTS. Local Org Administrators (LOAs) must participate in this process to ensure personnel records are maintained and only authorized users have access to Florida SHOTS. Organizations will be assigned a 90-day period where its LOA must confirm current users in their assigned service sites who need access to Florida SHOTS. At the end of this period, any users not confirmed will no longer have access. Learn More See step-by-step instructions for this User Confirmation process in our short video or this quick guide. See all Resources The Florida SHOTS information system is located on a secure server with password-restricted access. We use the latest encryption and firewall safeguards. All accounts are given access to the system only after we have verified that they have appropriate licensing in the state of Florida. Protected & Secure Did You Know? Under the "Customer Service" menu option within the system, you can find out who your Local Organization Administrator (LOA) is! Once you select “Contacts” you will see the name and contact information of the LOA who can assist with any login issues. They can reset your password, activate, and unlock your account. The Florida SHOTS help desk is also available for login assistance and can be reached at 877-888-7468, option 2. Tech Tips "Over the summer, we have had several staff members get locked out of the system. Who can help us?" LOAs are responsible for maintaining an accurate and current Personnel List, including adding new users and unlocking passwords. You can find all this and more responsibilities in our Quick Tips for Local Organization Administrators guide.
Newsletter Now Available!
Check out the current issue of our online newsletter, “SHOTS Tracker.” Available to download in English or download in Spanish