Data Exchange
Florida SHOTS BlogRecent Data Exchange Posts
Don’t Forget to Check Your Codes!
Did you know that having incorrect or outdated CVX, MVX and VIS codes in your EHR’s immunization table can result in vaccine messages getting rejected and not transferring to patient records? Make sure to regularly review and update to ensure you have the correct codes. See here for important links:1. CVX code table:Immunization codes sent by your EMR to FLSHOTS.2. MVX code table:Vaccine manufacturers table.3. Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) dates:These are the most up-to-date CDC patient vaccine information forms.To learn more data upload tips, visit sign up for the “Data Quality Report” training.
Don’t Forget to Check Your Codes!
Did you know that having incorrect or outdated CVX, MVX and VIS codes in your EHR’s immunization table can result in vaccine messages getting rejected and not transferring to patient records? Make sure to regularly review and update to ensure you have the correct codes. See here for important links:1. CVX code table: Immunization codes sent by your EMR to FLSHOTS.2. MVX code table: Vaccine manufacturers table.3. Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) dates: These are the most up-to-date CDC patient vaccine information forms.To learn more, visit our live training page and sign up for the “Data Quality Report” training offered every month.
Florida SHOTS: Accuracy Counts!
Find your way back to quality dataIf your office participates in data exchange through your electronic health records (EHR), it’s important to regularly monitor and ensure that your data is delivered as timely and accurately as possible. Don’t know where to begin to check for errors and warnings? We’re here to help! Join our monthly Data Quality Webinars for step-by-step training to verify that your vaccine records are uploading properly into Florida SHOTS.Data Quality TrainingFlorida SHOTS provider training is free, online, and self-paced. Participate in live trainings, watch recorded webinars, or consult training guides to learn how to properly monitor data upload.
There's always time for accurate data
Tools like the Data Quality Report and our regularly-updated Vaccine Information Table help you prevent common errors in your data uploads — keeping Florida SHOTS accurate for all.We're also here to help ensure your organization's locations are set up correctly. Contact Jennifer Hagans with any questions or for help adding and updating sites in the system.Data Quality TrainingFlorida SHOTS provider training is free, online, and self-paced. Participate in live trainings, watch recorded webinars, or consult training guides to learn how to properly monitor data upload.GET FREE TRAINING
Don’t Forget to Check Your Codes!
Did you know that having incorrect or outdated CVX, MVX and VIS codes in your EHR’s immunization table can result in vaccine messages getting rejected and not transferring to patient records? Make sure to regularly review and update to ensure you have the correct codes. See here for important links:1. CVX code table: Immunization codes sent by your EMR to FLSHOTS.2. MVX code table: Vaccine manufacturers table.3. Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) dates: These are the most up-to-date CDC patient vaccine information forms.To learn more data upload tips, sign up for the “Data Quality Report” training offered the third Wednesday of every month.