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Local Organization Administrator (LOA), Security

Upcoming Local Organization Administrator Update

In our continued efforts to keep Florida SHOTS safe and secure, Florida SHOTS released an update prompting users to review their profile. Users must provide an email address and select the site(s) of the location(s) where they work. Soon, the next phase of this release will be deployed for the Local Organization Administrators (LOA) to confirm those users for their site. When a LOA logs in to Florida SHOTS, they will be provided with a list of system users under their organization who can access Florida SHOTS. To make sure these system users have continued access to Florida SHOTS, the LOA will need to confirm that that the users are still affiliated with the organization and should be granted continued access. This confirmation process is expected to be completed annually during the organization’s enrollment date anniversary.

Tech Tips, Training

Help is Available!

Did you know that at the top of every screen there’s a  “Help Text” icon? Click on it to show (or hide) detailed information about each page and helpful tips!You can also find the icon beside many text fields. When clicked on, the help text will drop-down to appear at the top of the page with an explanation of those criteria fields highlighted in yellow.

Data Quality, Health Care Providers

2024 Florida SHOTS Survey

Florida SHOTS is conducting an online survey open to all Florida SHOTS participants. Your feedback can help assess what’s working and what we can continue to improve upon.Take the survey HERE.

Reports, Training

Florida SHOTS LIVE Webinar: Reports Overview

During this webinar we will review how to generate several useful reports within Florida SHOTS. These include the Reminder/Recall tool for increasing vaccine coverage among your patients, the Vaccine Utilization Report which shows vaccines administered within a specified date range, and the Shots Recorded report for Vaccines for Children participants that provides the vaccinations recorded corresponding to the specified VFC PIN/site.  Click on the below date (in EST) to register.Thursday, April 4, 12:30pmWednesday, April 10 12:30pm* SpanishTuesday, April 16, 12:00pm

Guides, Local Organization Administrator (LOA)

Maintaining an Accurate Personnel List

Users designated as Local Organization Administrators (LOAs) for the organization’s Florida SHOTS account are responsible for maintaining an accurate and current Personnel List. This includes terminating users who are no longer associated with the organization or no longer need access. Learn how to terminate user accounts and other responsibilities in our “Quick Tips for Local Organization Administrators” guide or videos on

Security, Tech Tips

Florida SHOTS User Profile Review

When a user logs in to Florida SHOTS, they will be directed to their User Profile page, where they must provide a valid email address for future communications and indicate one or more Service Sites where they work.Users will be given some grace period to complete the information on the profile page. If the information is not completed after the grace period, the user’s access to Florida SHOTS functionality will be restricted until the missing profile information is provided. See our new short video for step-by-step instructions!

Training, Vaccine Inventory

LIVE Webinar: Inventory Adjustment for VFC Vaccines

Providers enrolled with the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program may need to complete inventory adjustments due to expired/wasted vaccines. During this webinar we will go over the process of completing and reporting the inventory adjustment as well as requesting shipping label for those vaccines that can be returned.See our schedule below (in EST) and click on a date to register. You can also register even if you are unable to attend and you will receive a link to the recording.Thursday, March 7, 12:30pmWednesday, March 13, 12:30pmWednesday, March 27, 12:30pm

Data Exchange, Data Quality

Don’t Forget to Check Your Codes!

Did you know that having incorrect or outdated CVX, MVX and VIS codes in your EHR’s immunization table can result in vaccine messages getting rejected and not transferring to patient records? Make sure to regularly review and update to ensure you have the correct codes. See here for important links:1. CVX code table: Immunization codes sent by your EMR to FLSHOTS.2. MVX code table: Vaccine manufacturers table.3. Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) dates: These are the most up-to-date CDC patient vaccine information forms.To learn more, visit our live training page and sign up for the “Data Quality Report” training offered every month.