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Flu, Guides

2024-2025 Flu Pre-Booking

The flu pre-book opened in FL SHOTS on July 1, 2024.  Only the enrollee, primary VFC coordinator or back-up VFC coordinator can enter the pre-book information into FL SHOTS. We recommend you review your administration data from the current flu season to determine the number of doses to pre-book for 2024-2025.  Find step-by-step instructions on how to pre-book. Also available in Spanish.

Flu, Guides

Flu Vaccines Expiring

With the end of the current flu season coming up, flu vaccines will be expiring and will need to be manually removed from your VFC vaccine inventory in Florida SHOTS. You can find instructions for completing this adjustment, reporting, and requesting a mailing label for any unpunctured vials or unused syringes. Download in English or Spanish.

Flu, Health Care Providers

VFC/VFA Flu Vaccine

Vaccines for Children/Vaccine for Adult providers may now place orders for flu vaccines within Florida SHOTS.

Flu, Guides

Florida Flu Pre-book 2023-2024

The 2023-2024 flu pre-book opened in FL SHOTS on July 3, 2023. Only the enrollee, primary VFC coordinator or back-up VFC coordinator can enter the pre-book information into FL SHOTS. We recommend you review your administration data from the current flu season to determine the number of doses to pre-book for 2023-2024.  Find step-by-step instruction on how to pre-book. Also available in Spanish.