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Recent Vaccination Record Posts

Health Care Providers, Vaccination Record

Avoid Duplicate Records

Providing full names and up-to-date addresses and completing as many fields as possible allows Florida SHOTS to cross-reference the information and add updates to existing records.  Also remember to click on “Release Patient Record” when you’re done to prevent locked records and uploading errors.

Health Care Providers, Reports

Florida SHOTS LIVE Webinar: Patient Record Overview

During this webinar we will provide an overview of some of the most common features of a patient record within Florida SHOTS. Topics will include updating a patient's record status, check immunization status, and generate the Immunization History Report for the patient. We will also demonstrate the Reminder/Recall report that shows a list of your patients who are due or overdue for any vaccines.   Click below to register! (EST) Wednesday, January 11, 12:30pm Thursday, January 19, 12:30pm* SPANISH Tuesday, January 31, 12:00pm

Data Quality, Health Care Providers

Adding Records for Multiple Births

Twins? Triplets? Or more? When adding these new records, make sure to mark ‘Birth Event Outcome” and “Birth Order" on the Patient Identification screen. We are seeing a large number of multiple births being erroneously merged and it is very difficult to unmerge these types of records. To prevent problems, remember to enter birth outcome and order when a record is created!

DH 680 Forms, Guides

Electronically Certifying DH 680 Form

Florida SHOTS allows healthcare providers to create a Certified (electronically signed) Certificate of Immunization (DH Form 680) and a PIN that will allow parents and guardians to access the certified 680. The DH 680 form is legal and valid in the state of Florida for admittance to schools and daycare facilities. Access instructions on how to create HERE. Also available in Spanish. Florida SHOTS allows healthcare providers to create a Certified (electronically signed) Certificate of Immunization (DH Form 680) and a PIN that will allow parents and guardians to access the certified 680. The DH 680 form is legal and valid in the state of Florida for admittance to schools and daycare facilities. Access instructions on how to create HERE. Also available in Spanish.

Health Care Providers, Vaccination Record

Florida SHOTS Will No Longer Verify Opted-Out Patients

All patients who have completed the official form and opted-out of Florida SHOTS will be removed from the system entirely. The ability to determine a patient’s participation status will no longer be available in Florida SHOTS. To ensure these patient records and immunization histories are not reentered, providers should be confirming their Florida SHOTS participation status during each vaccination encounter. It is highly recommended providers maintain physical documentation of immunizations for all opted-out patients as they may be asked to show proof of immunizations by physicians, schools, daycare centers, etc., and Florida SHOTS will no longer provide this information.

Data Quality, Health Care Providers

Duplicate Patient Records

Duplicate patient records take time, effort, and resources to correct. You can prevent duplicates and ensure the accuracy of your data. Be complete. More detail is always better—including mother, father, guardian names and birthdates, twin status, and social security numbers helps the system find the correct match. Be correct. Always use full, legal names instead of nicknames, and enter compete addresses. Be current. Enter the most recent phone numbers and addresses in Florida SHOTS or in your EHR so that patient records are up-to-date. Florida SHOTS users can contact our help desk at 877-888-SHOT (7468) to merge the patient records. The request must come from a provider (not a patient) to merge. 

Health Care Providers, Training

LIVE Webinar: Florida SHOTS For Every Visit

During this webinar we will be discussing Florida SHOTS functions for EVERY patient encounter. You are probably very familiar with using the system for well-visits and back-to-school physicals, but we want to stress the importance of utilizing the registry at every visit to check vaccination status to never miss an opportunity to vaccinate. We will review how to check the patient’s immunization status, record administered/historical vaccines and generate the Immunization History Report for your patients.   Click below to register! Thursday, January 6, 12:30pm Wednesday, January 12, 12:30pm * Spanish Wednesday, January 19, 12:00pm